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The RTG provides an individual supervision program, which is tailor-made for the respective doctoral researcher to achieve an optimal promotion.
Starting in the RTG, each doctoral researcher chooses a thesis committee consisting of three persons:
  • primary advisor (principal investigator of the group the doctoral researcher wants to work in)
  • co-advisor (principal investigator of another group of the RTG)
  • external advisor (from another German university or from abroad)

A standardized written doctoral supervision agreement between the doctoral researcher and the advisor/co-advisors describing the mutual duties and rights is signed, including work plan, timetable and individual study program.

The thesis committee meetings take place once a year. The doctoral researchers present their work and account for the courses they have attended in an annual report. The committee fosters a critical evaluation of the project from different perspectives and discusses with the doctoral researcher the future steps concerning strategies, techniques and possible collaborations enabling the doctoral researcher to complete the work with substantial data within three years. For all organizational questions, the doctoral researchers are assisted by the coordinator.

The doctoral examination is in accordance with the examination regulations of the corresponding faculties leading to the title "Dr. rer. nat." (Promotionsordnung der Fakultät für Biologie, Promotionsordnung der Fakultät für Chemie ind Pharmazie).