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The retreat 2020 on 2./3. April was cancelled due to the corona pandemic.


The retreat 2019 took  place on

April, 4th-5th

in Schwarzwaldhotel, Gengenbach. Guest: Dipl. Psych. Sabine Peucker.


The retreat 2018 took place on

May, 24th-25th

at Allemannenhof, Schallstadt-Mengen. Guest: Prof. Martin Wild, Münster.


The retreat 2017 took place on

October, 9th - 10th

at Windenreuter Hof, Emmendingen. Guest: Prof. Petra Hellwig, DFH/Unistra.


The Retreat & Mini-Symposium 2016 took place on

October, 20th -21st

at Novotel Freiburg am Konzerthaus, Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 2, Room: Colmar Programme